There was no evidence that a fork lift truck had entered the house in order to position the bonsai, and so I imagine that it was a small army of gardeners, or an army of small gardeners... brought in to do the job. The person walking to the right was a 'normal' sized Japanese woman in her middle age, and I did not ask her name although she did say, Hello....
This was about 6 foot tall or so, 1m83-ish
These were both much smaller again, about 3 foot or so, a metre tall.
Some were exquisite, and their perfume filled the house. Glad I don't suffer from asthma, or hayfever...
The interior walls as in most tradionally designed Japanese house can slide so as to be moved to enlarge or to make smaller, a room. Some of these sliding walls are easily removed entirely.
This specimen was probably no taller than about 1 metre including the size of the pot...
And then.... when I needed to find a loo, I slid open one wall panel/door and found myself in the most beautiful little calm zen garden built between the house I was visiting and the house next door. A tranquil little space, not wasted, in which to chew the fat, chew to cud or just go, "Omm" in, with the neighbours...
* Due to enormous public demand....
I clicked on one of those gorgeous pictures and turned my laptop towards teh garden window and wagged my finger at my 11 year old wisteria which has NEVER, EVER, NOT ONCE, bloomed and I told it, THIS, asshole, is what you are supposed to do! We shall see next year if it works. Just gorgeous pictures.
They really are superb. There's a peacefulness about them that calms the soul.
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